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Open Day of BSTU “VOENMEH” Held in Sri Lanka

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On April 24, an Open Day for the BSTU “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov took place at the Russian House in Colombo. For the first time at the site of the Russian Center for Science and Culture (RCSC), prospective students from Sri Lanka had the opportunity to learn about the educational programs of one of Russia’s leading defense universities, which sparked immense interest among the audience due to its focus on the space industry.

As emphasized in her opening speech by Maria Popova, the head of the Russian House in Colombo, the topic of space always resonates with the people of Sri Lanka. The first human in space, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, who visited Ceylon as part of his world tour after his famous flight, is still considered perhaps the most respected and beloved Russian to have ever set foot on the blessed island. Monuments and memorial plaques have been erected in his honor, songs have been dedicated to him, and a documentary about his Ceylon journey—a special project by the Russian House in Colombo—is set to be released soon.

In this context, the Open Day of BSTU “VOENMEH”, traditionally held in a hybrid format that combined online and offline participation, became a significant event for Sri Lankan applicants. In addition to individual participants, colleges such as Sivali College (Ratnapura), Vidura College, the International Lyceum School, and the United Astronomical Community of Sri Lankan schools “APPULSE TM” joined the videoconference. Potential applicants actively participated in discussions and asked representatives of the university an impressive number of questions about BSTU “VOENMEH” and student life.

Russia, as a leading space power, can rightfully be proud of its cosmonautics school and scientists who have made significant contributions to exploring space beyond Earth. Many of them received their education at BSTU “VOENMEH”. It is the alma mater of over 70,000 highly qualified specialists, many of whom have participated in advanced developments in the field and worked at launch complexes. In a video presentation, the rector of the university, K.M. Ivanov, noted that studying at BSTU “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov is quite challenging but prestigious. Six graduates from this university have become cosmonauts, four of whom have been to orbit — thus fulfilling their dream of flying into space thanks to their education at this institution.

Currently, over 300 international students are studying at BSTU “VOENMEH”, with 12 bachelor’s programs and 16 master’s programs available. The fields of study cover not only space and defense industries but also information technology, economics, management, advertising, public relations, and applied linguistics. Applications can be submitted for all these programs as part of a quota campaign that allows students to receive education at Russian universities funded by the host side.

To help foreign students adapt, BSTU “VOENMEH” offers a preparatory department that provides summer, semester, and year-long courses. Summer and winter courses will not only provide deeper knowledge about engineering, linguistic, and economic subjects but also help students become better acquainted with Saint Petersburg. Additionally, sports games for foreign students in the Northern capital and a Russian conversation club will facilitate quicker integration into student community. Students will not need to spend extra money on finding and renting housing: they will be accommodated in three comfortable dormitories, one of which is located in close proximity to the educational campus in the center of Saint Petersburg.

According to university representatives, there has not yet been a single student from Sri Lanka at BSTU “VOENMEH”, but they are very hopeful to change that. Now is a unique opportunity for Sri Lankan applicants to become pioneers and open up cosmic prospects for their country through this unique and prestigious institution!

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