International Cooperation with the Largest Educational Organizations from Azia and Europe

BSTU “Voenmeh” named after D.F. Ustinov has established itself as a prominent player in the realm of international cooperation, particularly with leading educational organizations in Asia and Europe. This collaboration aims to enhance academic exchange, promote joint research initiatives, and foster innovation in engineering and technology. By partnering with prestigious institutions, The University is able to leverage diverse expertise and resources, facilitating knowledge transfer and the development of cutting-edge solutions to contemporary challenges. These international partnerships not only enrich the educational experience for students and faculty but also contribute to the global scientific community. Joint programs, research projects, and student exchange initiatives enable participants to gain invaluable insights into different cultural and academic perspectives.

Cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic

Leader: O.L. Kireev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Russian-Kyrgyz Technical Universities Consortium.

Russian-Kyrgyz Technical Universities Consortium (40 universities of Russia and 15 universities of Kyrgyzstan), partner universities: KSTU named after I. Razzakov, OshSU named after Adyshev, OshTU, KUMU named after B. Sadyraliev, ISU, NarSU named after S. Naamatov.

  • joint educational programs with partner universities: Bachelor’s degree “2+2” – 7 programs, Master’s degree “1+1” – 6 programs;
  • cooperation on academic mobility programs, including virtual mobility programs: “Information technologies and programming” “Digitalization of high-tech industries”, “Fundamentals of PR-technologies”;
  • Open Days in Kyrgyzstan: “Moscow Classics”, “Eurasian Cooperation Organization”, “Demilge”;
  •  distance training for applicants: math, physics, ICT and programming, Russian language, social studies;
  • events supported by the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the Kyrgyz Republic to implement the priority project “Export of Education” to attract foreign students;
  • Consortium “Resource Centers of Russian Education Abroad”: on the basis of NOOF “School Gazprom Kyrgyzstan”.

Cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan

Supervisor: E.Y. Remshev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of E4 Department

NCJSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical Research University”:

  • Implementation of joint scientific and technical programs and projects;
  • exchange of scientific information, documentation, literature and bibliographic data;
  • holding joint seminars, scientific-practical conferences and working meetings;
  • exchange of scientists, specialists, PhD-doctoral students, master’s students, improvement of their qualification and organization of scientific internships;

Application for a grant under the Rossotrudnichestvo program on the theme “Organization and holding of educational and awareness-raising events of technical and creative orientation “Days of robotics and innovative educational technologies” in Kazakhstan” was submitted.

Cooperation with the Kingdom of Norway

Supervisor: M.M. Volkova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Russian-Norwegian Programs

MBA (Master of Business Administration) educational programs – the second place in the rating among all MBA programs in St. Petersburg:

  • MBA diploma on professional retraining with the qualification “Master of Business Administration” or “Master of Business Administration for Executives” + international joint certificate of Executive MBA NORD University in Budo (Norway) and BSTU “Voenmech” in English;
  • exchange of students and teaching staff for the purpose of lectures, defense of diploma works, signing of the final joint certificate, awarding diplomas (temporarily not held)

International University Network Project “Synergy”

Head: Stazhkov S.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department I8.


  • Development and implementation of innovative network educational technologies of Bachelors and Masters training (exchange lecture courses, distance courses and laboratory works, project works) in the educational process;
  • Network technology of organizing research activities of students and training of scientific personnel (network conferences and scientific and technical councils);
  • Organization and holding of joint international educational and industrial student practices and conferences on the basis of network technologies;
  • Organization and conduct of career guidance work on the basis of network technologies, including WorldSkills professional skills contests.

Scientific and Educational Center “Institute of Laser Engineering and Technologies”, Scientific and Production Enterprise “Laser Systems”

Head: Boreisho A.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of I1.

Cooperation with China and India. Areas of cooperation:

  • Safety of industrial objects
  • Development of additive technologies
  • Equipment and technologies for space research
  • Meteorological and aviation systems and equipment

Cooperation with the Republic of Belarus

Supervisor: M.V. Butorina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, E5 Department.

Minsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”:

  • Negotiations are underway to launch a network program in “Economics” or “Management”, participation in conferences organized by both sides.

Gomel State Technical University named after Sukhoi:

  • Negotiations are underway to launch a network program in Economics or Management, participation in conferences organized by both parties.

Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University:

  • Negotiations on joint activities are underway.

Educational institution “Vitebsk State Technological University”:

  • Participation in conferences organized by both parties – head A.D. Shmatko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of R

Cooperation with the Arab Republic of Egypt

Supervisor: M.V. Butorina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, E5 Department.

Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Research, Cairo. Planned:

  • Joint educational programs, including Master’s double degree programs, joint postgraduate programs;
  • Organization of joint international scientific activities;
  • realization of mutual internships;
  • Publication of joint research results in TIMI and BSTU bulletins, as well as in other journals and conference proceedings;

The application for participation in the selection of the Ministry of Defense for granting grants to ensure scientific research together with organizations of African countries within the framework of ensuring the implementation of the program of bi- and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation on the theme “Research and development of a method to reduce vibroacoustic impact at metallurgical enterprises in Russia and Egypt” for 2023-24. Established contact with industrial partner JSC “Metallurgical Plant “Petrostal”.

Cooperation with the Kingdom of Thailand

Head: B.P. Ivchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department R4

Valailak University, Bangkok:

  • Cooperation in the field of education and joint research work;
  • Cooperation on academic mobility programs – a group of Russian students is planned to visit Bangkok;
  • lecturing: professors of R4 department give lectures at Valailak University, a lecturer from Valailak gave a lecture to students of “Voenmech” in February 2023.

Cooperation with the Republic of Indonesia

Supervisor: B.P. Ivchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department R4

Lampung University:

  • Cooperation in the field of education and joint research work is planned;
  • cooperation on academic mobility programs;
  • lecturing.

Cooperation with the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Head: M.V. Butorina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of E5 Department.

Abderrahman Mira University, Bedjaia:

  • Cooperation in the field of general research, development of joint research programs is planned

Mohamed El Bashir El Ibrahimi University, Borj Bu Arrerij:

  • Collaboration is planned in the field of education and joint research programs

List of existing cooperation agreements

Name of the State Name of the foreign organization Contract details (name, date, number and term of the contract) Implementation period Brief description of the subject of the contract and its essential terms
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Information Systems and Technologies 5 years (since 19.09.2013 with the tacit extension of the contract) 2+2 Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Management 5 years (since 19.09.2013 with the tacit extension of the contract) 2+2 Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in MANAGEMENT
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering 5 years (since 19.09.2013 with the tacit extension of the contract) 2+2 Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Mechatronics and Robotics 5 years (since 19.09.2013 with the tacit extension of the contract) 2+2 Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in MECHATRONICS and ROBOTICS
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Standardization and Metrology 5 years (since 27.03.2019 with the tacit extension of the contract) 2+2 Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in STANDARDIZATION AND METROLOGY
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational master’s degree program in Computer Science and Computer Engineering 5 years (since 18.09.2014 with the tacit extension of the contract) 1+1 Joint Master’s Degree Program in COMPUTER SCIENCE AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of the participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational master’s degree program in Management 5 years (since 18.09.2014 with the tacit extension of the contract) 1+1 Joint Master’s Degree Program in MANAGEMENT
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational master’s degree program in Mechatronics and robotics, Automation of technological processes and production 5 years (since 18.09.2014 with the tacit extension of the contract) 1+1 Joint Master’s Degree Program in MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS and AUTOMATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTION
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational master’s degree program in Standardization and Metrology 5 years (since 27.03.2019 with the tacit extension of the contract) 1+1 Joint Master’s Degree Program in STANDARDIZATION AND METROLOGY
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University (formerly KUU) Agreement on cooperation in the field of educational and scientific activities between the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University and Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov 5 years (since 24.03.2020 with the tacit extension of the contract, No. 07-20NF) Mutual information, guidance and technical and engineering assistance in education and research
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University (formerly KUU) Agreement on cooperation in academic mobility programs between Kyrgyz-Uzbek University and Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov 5 years (since 24.03.2020, No. 08-20NF) Cooperation on academic mobility programs
Norway Nord University (Bodø, Norway) Agreement on cooperation and joint activities 5 years (since 28.05.2018 with the tacit extension of the contract, No. MBA/07) Cooperation on the existing educational programs of the MBA and MBAE in the field of economics and business. Exchange of students and academic staff for the purpose of conducting lectures, defending theses, signing the final joint certificate, and awarding diplomas.
the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University Agreement on scientific cooperation between S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University (Nur-Sultan) and Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Saint Petersburg) 5 years (since 12.07.2021 with the tacit extension of the contract, No. 446) Implementation of joint scientific and technical programs and projects; exchange of scientific information, documentation, literature and bibliographic data; joint seminars, scientific and practical conferences and working meetings; exchange of scientists, specialists, PhD-doctoral students, undergraduates, improvement of their professional skills and organization of  scientific internships;
Parties should be informed of planned activities and invited to participate by representatives of another party.
the Republic of Belarus EI “Vitebsk State Technological University” (VSTU) Agreement on cooperation 5 years (since 25.03.2020) broad academic and scientific cooperation
the People’s Republic of China Changchun University of Science and Technology Agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint international projects between Changchun University of Science and Technology (China, Changchun) and the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) 24.06.2009 – 31.08.2025 Students of the Russian and Chinese sides studying in the partner University for short-term and long-term educational and exchange programs in Applied Mechanics
the People’s Republic of China Changchun University of Science and Technology Agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint international projects between Changchun University of Science and Technology (China, Changchun) and the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) 24.06.2009 – 31.08.2025 Students of the Russian and Chinese sides studying in the partner University for short-term and long-term educational and exchange programs in Mechatronics and Robotics
the People’s Republic of China Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University Agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint international projects between Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University (China, Chengdu) and the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) 12 years (since 09.09.2019) Students of the Russian and Chinese sides studying in the partner University for short-term and long-term educational and exchange programs
the Republic of Austria TCI Training&Consulting for the Industry GmbH FESTO Group Agreement on cooperation between the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) and TCI Training&Consulting for the Industry GmbH FESTO Group 1 year (since 15.06.2005 with the tacit extension of the contract) creation and implementation of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of Automation of Production Processes
the Republic of Austria TCI Training&Consulting for the Industry GmbH FESTO Group Agreement on cooperation between the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) and TCI Training&Consulting for the Industry GmbH FESTO Group 1 year (since 24.04.2017 with the tacit extension of the contract) Students acquiring professional work skills, deepening and consolidating knowledge and competencies in the process of theoretical training with the use of network methods of personnel training and the implementation of innovative forms of training on the training equipment of the FESTO concern.
the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University Memorandum of Cooperation and Joint activities between D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (the Republic of Kazakhstan) and the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov (Russia, St. Petersburg) 5 years (since 01.12.2022) joint coordinated cooperation in the field of education and science on educational MBA programs
the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University Agreement on additional (to higher) education and on the joint educational MBA program 2 years 7 months (since 09.12.2022, № 1МВА KZ) preparation of students for the joint educational MBA program and consultations with the professors
the Kingdom of Thailand Walailak University Memorandum of Cooperation 5 years (since 28.06.2022) exchange and cooperation in the field of education, research and social services, as well as development and strengthening of relations between universities
the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov Agreement of the participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on the BSTU-KSTU joint educational bachelor’s degree program in Business Informatics 5 years (since 22.09.2022 with the tacit extension of the contract) cooperation of partnering Universities in the creation and implementation of the joint program of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities in Business Informatics
the Kyrgyz Republic Gazprom Kyrgyzstan School Agreement on cooperation in the field of education and career guidance 1 year (since 27.01.2023) Agreement on cooperation in the field of education and career guidance
the Republic of Belarus Gomel State Technical University named after P. Sukhoi Agreement on cooperation between the Gomel State Technical University named after P. Sukhoi and the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov 5 years (since 19.05.2023 with the tacit extension of the contract) joint activities for academic and scientific cooperation
the Kyrgyz Republic Osh State University Agreement of the participants of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities on virtual academic mobility in Bachelor’s degree courses 19.04.2023 – 31.08.2023 Cooperation on the development and implementation of the international virtual academic mobility program in the Bachelor’s degree program in Business Informatics